Steering Committee
description & Duties
The Alliance is organized by a volunteer Steering Committee that meets throughout the year to organize events and discuss policy ideas. If you are interested in being part of the leadership team, contact us at newctfarmers@gmail.com.
our mission
The New CT Farmer Alliance is a statewide network of farmers and growers. By bringing young, new and emerging farmers together it is our intent to identify and help develop support systems to nurture a successful and diverse agricultural landscape for our state.
Our mission is to bring together emerging farmers from across CT to network, share resources, and identify common challenges and opportunities for a more accessible, successful, and diverse agricultural community.
Function of the Steering Committee
The Steering Committee serves to provide strategic leadership and help to organize and manage the activities of NCTFA. The Steering Committee is also expected to represent NCTFA at applicable agriculture related events in addition to their own businesses or other organizations.
To identify and discuss ways to further the organization’s mission
To provide coordination support and guidance as needed for NCTFA events
To assist with meeting business, such as helping to set the calendar of meetings and events and reviewing and adding items to meeting agendas
To approve the annual work plan and budget to ensure productive use of resources
A Steering Committee member is elected for a one-year term. Individuals may serve multiple terms, but must be re-elected at the annual meeting. A new term begins after the annual meeting in February and runs until the following year’s annual meeting.
Frequency of Meetings
NCTFA does most of its planning in the off-season months. We have monthly meetings beginning in October that run until early March, after the annual meeting. We generally meet in-person in Hartford, weather permitting, but at times we have conference calls in place of in-person meetings. Our goal is to have productive off-season meetings so that there is little obligation for Steering Committee members during the busy growing season. Steering Committee members may be expected to respond to pertinent e-mails that arise during the summer, but will not have in-person responsibilities unless encouraged to support a NCTFA summer event.